Sunday, March 7, 2010


"Camille, could you give your brother a couple of toys in his bed while I finish getting ready..."
Her eagerness to comply should have been a tip off!
Statues... obviously. We rarely pass a perch that Camille does not have to be hoisted up so that she can be a statue.
Soccer! It is cold for "Coach Kap" and the little player when they get to the field.
This picture so reminds me of the bad news bears!
We love our neighbor!
One of our favorite things about the kids sports, seriously, is getting to see these guys on a regular basis!
The re-tarping of fort Knox... it's a serious job... for a serious man...

Don't tell Uncle Conn that max was playing in the playhouse and even wore the hat pictured :)
obviously the same applies here...

Happy Spring from our little toy house to yours'


  1. Statue, Bad News (Pink) Bears and all that hard work on Fort Knox ----- favorites! So grateful that Max did not get lost in all those toys.

  2. I LOVE that precious, little cook in his pretty apron. How cute is that?!! Camille's soccer games have been so much fun. The beautiful weather this past weekend made our time together even more special! Love you, Nanny

