Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Preschool Graduation!

Off to Kindergarten! This girl is ready! We have loved watching her grow these three years in preschool! If you ask her, she is probably ready for junior high!

She was very serious about her singing. I love this picture!

Grandad came to watch the action (Grammy too, but sorry mom- no picture)
Paw paw wrangled Max for the duration.
Isn't this beautiful- these girls look good in purple!
...and, of course, there was wrestling!
an aside: I don't know how you wake up your big brother, but may I suggest piling in his bed- all of you.
this little guy is learning to cuddle with his big brother.


  1. What a wonderful night it was. We wouldn't have missed it for the world! Camille, you are so beautiful and sing so well. I am very proud of your accomplishments this year in preschool. You are going to absolutely LOVE kindergarten!
    Love you, Nanny

  2. What fun! I cannot believe Camille will be in kindergarten! Time is flying.

