Joy and J.D.

Dan and Aunt Brenda

Julie, Jason and the coveted stag

Mom, Grandmommie and Great Grandmommie

everybody...except some sorely missed cousins

When a marker is procured it goes straight to the face!

Camille sleeping...Grandad soaking


lovely Aunt Angie

oh so cool

a duet

Camille loves Aunt Angie and loves fighting with Uncle Chris.

the big handsome boys in plaid

the clan

the lovely Laynes

the kids "enthralled" by the Christmas story

Jason and his ladies

The Grands...and Julie

beautiful cousins...let's hope they are more sweet than their moms :)

...a fit...more of a protest really

Max loves Great G.'s walker!

Honey (Karen) hoping to make it onto the Toms sight

Ready for Santa

big boy with little presents

Max mad about something

The McWhorter clan

love it! (Cash is probably reading that book :)

4, 6, and 6 going on 16!!!

there it is...the big one!

little Elmo pilots

beautiful Nanny after Ashley,s scarf tutorial

Conn and Ashley...mad about something they didn't get :)

no wonder the boy is a looker!