Monday, March 22, 2010

spring break

If this looks strange to you, it may be that you don't know what a "famous ice skater" looks like...

I had several birthday celebrations and was pretty horrible at photographing them, but I got this one of dinner with Kap's brother and family. Do you remember that you can't let Grimlins get wet or they multiply...? Well, it's sort of like that... someone obviously let us come in contact with water...
The Shiner!
Kap's b-day gift to me- the assembly was more of a gift than the purchase. Somewhere in the background I was frusterated, holding directions and saying "this is just stupid. It doesn't make any sense!"

...Ah, the chair.. the architect..
I thought that it being a retro chair it deserved a retro pose. This one is circa 1990s cheerleading.
Knox and Noah entertaining the little one...

Kayaking- It was a beautiful day!!!
where to you ask, why lunch of course!

Thank you Connie and Smokey, because kids in the hatch does not a peaceful kayaking trip make
The spring break project- Max's sand box!

I suffer from an ailment Kap calls "string light crazy" I am currently in remmission and have promised to not buy any more for a while.

Do you need to see these next random pictures.. no, but do you want to see them... again, no! Sorry :) I am slightly obsessed with this new Liberty London line at Target, so much so that I have photographed my aquisitions here for you.
I thought you needed a close up..
no real reason to post this one- I just like our new tables and the spring flowers on them... again, sorry :) Thank you everyone for celebrating 33 with me! It was a great week made better by getting to see so many of you!


  1. What fun y'all had! I Love the lights! Makes for a great ambiance. Cute Target finds! Love the retro pose...brings back fun memories! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE the sandbox with all of the lights! I can hardly wait to see it "in person". Kap did a fine job on your chairs. The retro pose sets them off. We had such fun with the kiddos this weekend. Love you, Nanny

  3. Oh my gosh - LOVE ALLLLLLL the pics - and the one of Kap under the new glider was . . . funny to say the least!!! and the lights ----- ROCKIN' - better to have that addiction than to be . . . won't go there . . . and had not seen the new house-do ----- wow-wow-wow ----- now that our outside is ALMOST done, we will start on the inside - tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Thanks for sharing Cheer-endy!

  4. Hey I like your background! Just checking in!

  5. Great pics! I am so sorry we couldn't celebrate Easter with you guys in person. Egg hungs are just no fun without kids. Frank is just not into that. Oh well, I guess the pictures will have to suffice. Oh, by the way, where did Max get that precious swimming pool?
    Love, Mom

