Monday, April 19, 2010

Pink Panthers

Camille's last soccer game... and Coach Kap's
She had a great game- were we keeping score (it's discouraged at this age) she would have made five points!

Grammy and Grandad came to watch(you see it too, don't you...)

Knox being a supportive brother..
then off to Sweet Maggie's 4th birthday!
This was fun to watch- Cash would just push Max and then pull him back- they were really cooperating here.
Little Tykes
Rainy Sunday- this is our covered back porch and the pool is filled with warm bath water- basically his own little hot tub. This is him with his balls... what!?

The girls and some barbies joined in


  1. I love the Pink Panthers...the name and the cute uniforms! Oh I wish one of my kids would play soccer. Not going to happen it look like. All great pics! I love the rainy day inside pool...great idea! Looks like y'all had a great weekend!

  2. So glad that I got to see pictures from the last soccer game. Camille, of course, is the prettiest one (with the cutest hair bows)! Loved the Sunday afternoon swim party. What fun!!!
    Love you, Nanny

  3. Her soccer team reminds me of the Princess GiGi movies. :)

