Monday, January 18, 2010

Max's 1st Birthday!

I am afraid Max will have to learn, as the other two have, that when it comes to parenting, Kap and I are just out to amuse ourselves :)
Max's first birthday BASH! This is Max and Great Grandmommie McWhorter (G.G.)
In good hands- Max with G.G. and his Great, Great Grandmommie Brown. He is a blessed one.
Max and Cash
Ah- the blow up slide! Worth the money! This is cousin Lily.
sweet Maggie Mae
Max walking under the supervision of Grandad and Paw paw.
Camille with The Great and The Great Great!
Honey and Max
Angie and Grandmommie Cunningham (Max's other Great Grandmother)
The boy. The crown. The shirt. Thank You ETSY!
The cake. Thank you Ekite Treats (and G.G.)

Obviously, it's his very first time to have sugar :)

I wasn't even clever enough to look for these- I was just browsing baby books for poss. favors and found this title- very pleased with this find!
(from left) Kay with Phoebe, Honey with Tripp, Honey with John Dudley, Grammy, Max and Nanny (seated) G.G. Great Great Grandmommie Brown and Great Grand. Cunningham
What beautiful Grandmothers!
Sweet girls!
Lauren and the Camilles
Knox and his buddy
Beautiful Phoebe in the playhouse
stacks of family
It was a great party and I am sorry There were no pictures of John Dudley, Tripp and Lillianna. The next morning Camille got right up and hit the slide. She has Bob the bear from her school for the weekend and he slid also.
With a wet slide you get creative
Our sweet neighbor came over- it was a great morning!

Knox came home from a sleepover and... more sliding!

Thank you family for celebrating with us. Connie I would like to thank you in advance for your comment, for without it there would be none! (Mom!)


  1. LOVED his birthday! You did such a great job! LOVED the cake and the "Max" books. So, so perfect!!! Oh, and did G.G. really buy the cake? If so, I am SO jealous! :)

  2. G.G. sent a monotary gift that went directly to the cake!

  3. Awesome party! Wendy,you are getting better with each one. I am a proud mom & grammy! What a true blessing to have such great family, and so many grandparents! I am constantly amazed that we have 5 living generations!! Max was the perfect birthday boy! Oh, how I love him! Happy 1st birthday, Max!

  4. What a fun day! So glad that Max shares Brandon's birthday ...along with a little MLK celebratin' goin' on!
    Wendy you did such a great job on Max's first party! LOVED his shirt, the cake and LOVED the Max books! Ashley said you didn't even know who Max & Ruby were! Poor girl...we must get you out more!
    What a special blessing for Max to be surrounded by all the many many grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great grandparents! What a legacy!
    Congrats on a beautiful family Wendy! You and Kap have done a GREAT job!
    Happy Birthday Max!!

  5. It truly was a fantastic party! A good time was had by ALL! Love that birthday boy! Nanny

