Sunday, February 21, 2010

"little piece of heaven"

Happy 1st birthday sweet Gus!(check out the cute leg warmers)
His big brother Otto and beautiful Mimi
I love this series- these guys are not at all comfortable with Camille's show of affection here.

What a trooper Ollie is- cutie!
Knox's last game...and the infamous touchdown! This is his cheering section
...always suportive...
Max's heisman pose
The handsome boy (can I say that?)

The big win! They won the most games of their league.
They had a great coach who let the "shave" his head afterwards- it was more like a mild trim as evedinced by this "after" picture
We celebrated at Fuddruckers. This girl is way too cool for her five yrs. but I am so glad she is not to cool to ride shotgun to Jerry (or Tom- which one's the cat?)
Knox got this fake mustache out of the machine and reffered to alternately as "his precious" and "his little piece of heaven"
The boy, the girl and the "little piece of heaven"
What can be said... really?
V. day! I selfishly bought Camille "the parent trap." I love that movie!
The Valentine himself- it was my dad's b-day and of course we made them sing :)
Knox and Grandaddy. I can assure you, because I know this posture very well, that Grandaddy is saying something either extremely wise or extremely silly.
I am just moved by this one...
Siblings playing with the hedgehog.
Siblings showing their amazing talent. This had to come directly from smokey, genetically. How many times have I showed up at his house to find him upside down in this way :)

(Somebody tell me how to get the cool graphics for this blog instead of the lame way I keep changing the font and background color)


  1. The footbal pictures are WONDERFUL!!! We are SO PROUD of our HERO!!! Some day those boys will be begging for your affection, Camille. Hang in there, girlie! The picture of Grandaddy and Knox brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful Godly heritage for Knox! Love you, Nanny

  2. WAS going to comment on the style//background ------ looks good! Love the "my precious."

