Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to school 2010!

This is Truffles (and completely beside the point- but thought you should meet Camille's new beloved pet!)

here we go- The Camille's spent the last Friday of their summer and sweet JD's 1st birthday swimming ALL DAY! Mark helped them a little with some tricks :)

1st morning of Kindergarten! Knox was in bed sick :(
She was sooo ready and sooo excited! (and sooo cute!)

She has a great teacher and was delighted to find out that they were the "rock stars"
Nanny and Paw paw surprised her and picked her up after just flying in from Hawaii... with gifts!

The next day, Knox was finally well enough to go to school, but looking a little pale and skinny (skinnier) from his WEEK long sickness. They were cute together- he actually walked her too her room this day.

Knox loves Eagles (it's his trademark of the moment) and is just big enough for American Eagle gear- so we may have gone a little overboard with the theme :)
Did someone say pose...
The look on their faces shows the dif. in enthusiasm levels between a kindergartner and a big 5th grader.
at the drop off- ready to walk in with her big brother.
Watch out girls... :)

And what, you may ask has little brother been up to...

(plastic surgeons should have this profile on file so that clients can pick a more traditional "chiseled" look... or this more "round" look :)


  1. Please make note that we are the first to comment on these much anticipated pictures. I must say they were worth the wait. Camille is beautiful & Knox is so handsome. (Maybe you should keep him home for the next 7 years or so.) Of course Max is just getting cuter every day. We are in love with our grandkids! Love, Grammy & Grandad

  2. woo hoo! I practically have a following now! :)

  3. I can't believe how big your kids are, and there's a new one. They are seriously gorgeous! Thanks for friending me so I can now cyber stalk you and know all that's going on! ;)

