Friday, May 7, 2010

Ball Tag! (I couldn't write up there for some reason, but enough said anyway)

Knox's school had a 5k and I was smart enough to sign up to be a trail boss! The rest of the family ran. Knox ran by himself and finished 4th out of school age boys (they awarded the top 3)

You better step...

Let's just say they were not so close to a metal as Knox :)
Ah, the sand box... genius!!!
A walk to lunch with friends...

These guys are built and walk the exact same... really funny to watch. I guess one day the boy will be the taller of the two...
Then at lunch... we found a COUSIN! "The Camilles"
Gym attire- that would be yarn in her hair!
Super kids day- Knox totally got knocked down here.

Camille loves to be with the big kids. I was outside and she wanted to go inside by herself for face painting. I was hesitant and she said "Mommy, I got this. I know I can do it"
I was in charge of the autograph wall- I should say Max and Camille and I.

The twins!

Hi Jeanie... :)


  1. Looks like more fun than the Olympics to me. It is such a blessing to see happy, loving children.
    Love, Nanny

  2. You Caught me! I was blog stalking again!

