Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tea and "The Twins"

I am sure he will thank his sister for this someday. It seems, though, that he LOVES the tea set!

...and the crown.
...the bow, I'm afraid, he has no idea about :)
The Twins: If you have twins then you understand what it's like! I know that people think mothers can always tell them apart, but seriously on this day the face painting helped me a ton!
They love to play with each others' hair! (I am pretty sure Max is the one on the left)
I know I should let them have their own personalities and not dress them the same like ths, but they LOVE it! Seriously, when I walk in the room and they are like this I have to call out one of their names and see which one responds!
Mostly they love each other and love being twins although you can see here that Max is not happy about Knox being "over his line!"
At the end of the day... there brothers, there twins! they know what the other one is thinking! Knox knows that Max is eyeing the remote because he needs to pretend it's a phone and make a call... a lot of calls actually.
(that's Knox on top and Max in his lap :)

and of course, the girl!!!!
She really is a shy wall flower- never know what she's thinking or that she is even in the room sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. I have got to get my hands on these precious cherubs! I have missed them so much! Give each one a HUGE hug and kiss from their Nanny.
    Love you all, Nanny

